[描述来源:Ponte J M, Croft W B. A language modeling approach to information retrieval[C]//Proceedings of the 21st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. ACM, 1998: 275-281.]
[图片来源:Ponte J M, Croft W B. A language modeling approach to information retrieval[C]//Proceedings of the 21st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. ACM, 1998: 275-281.]
年份 | 事件 | 相关论文/Reference |
1991 | 提出了使用神经网络训练语言模型的思想 | R. Miikkulainen and M.G. Dyer. Natural language processing with modular neural networks and distributed lexicon. Cognitive Science, 15:343–399, 1991. |
1996 | 通过使用神经网络,在前几个单词的基础上预测下一个单词出现的概率 | J. Schmidhuber. Sequential neural text compression. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 7(1): 142–146, 1996. |
2000 | Xu和Rudnicky提出使用无隐藏层的神经网络实现语言模型 | W. Xu and A. Rudnicky. Can artificial neural network learn language models. In International Conference on Statistical Language Processing, pages M1–13, Beijing, China, 2000. |
2003 | 提出使用一个三层的神经网络来训练N-gram语言模型,并证明了神经网络语言模型的优越性 | Bengio Y, Ducharme R, Vincent P, et al. A neural probabilistic language model[J]. Journal of machine learning research, 2003, 3(Feb): 1137-1155. |
2005 | 将神经网络语言模型应用于语音识别,并获得了突破性的进展。 | Holger Schwenkand Jean- LucGauvain. Training Neural Network Language Models On Very Large Corpora. in Proc. Joint Conference HLT/EMNLP, October 2005 |
2012 | 将全局的上下文信息加入到了语言模型中 | Huang E H, Socher R, Manning C D, et al. Improving word representations via global context and multiple word prototypes[C]//Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Long Papers-Volume 1. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012: 873-882. |
Contributor: Yilin Pan