<body style=margin:0>
<canvas id=c>
// draw settings
const context = c.getContext`2d`; // canvas context
const drawDistance = 800; // how far ahead to draw
const cameraDepth = 1; // FOV of camera
const segmentLength = 100; // length of each road segment
const roadWidth = 500; // how wide is road
const curbWidth = 150; // with of warning track
const dashLineWidth = 9; // width of the dashed line
const maxPlayerX = 2e3; // limit player offset
const mountainCount = 30; // how many mountains are there
const timeDelta = 1/60; // inverse frame rate
const PI = Math.PI; // shorthand for Math.PI
// player settings
const height = 150; // high of player above ground
const maxSpeed = 300; // limit max player speed
const playerAccel = 1; // player forward acceleration
const playerBrake = -3; // player breaking acceleration
const turnControl = .2; // player turning rate
const jumpAccel = 25; // z speed added for jump
const springConstant = .01; // spring players pitch
const collisionSlow = .1; // slow down from collisions
const pitchLerp = .1; // rate camera pitch changes
const pitchSpringDamp = .9; // dampen the pitch spring
const elasticity = 1.2; // bounce elasticity
const centrifugal = .002; // how much turns pull player
const forwardDamp = .999; // dampen player z speed
const lateralDamp = .7; // dampen player x speed
const offRoadDamp = .98; // more damping when off road
const gravity = -1; // gravity to apply in y axis
const cameraTurnScale = 2; // how much to rotate camera
const worldRotateScale = .00005; // how much to rotate world
// level settings
const maxTime = 20; // time to start
const checkPointTime = 10; // add time at checkpoints
const checkPointDistance = 1e5; // how far between checkpoints
const maxDifficultySegment = 9e3; // how far until max difficulty
const roadEnd = 1e4; // how far until end of road
mouseDown =
mousePressed =
mouseUpFrames =
mouseX = 0;
onmouseup =e=> mouseDown = 0;
onmousedown =e=> mousePressed ? mouseDown = 1 : mousePressed = 1;
onmousemove =e=> mouseX = e.x/window.innerWidth*2 - 1;
Clamp =(v, a, b) => Math.min(Math.max(v, a), b);
ClampAngle=(a) => (a+PI) % (2*PI) + (a+PI<0? PI : -PI);
Lerp =(p, a, b) => a + Clamp(p, 0, 1) * (b-a);
R =(a=1, b=0) => Lerp((Math.sin(++randSeed)+1)*1e5%1,a,b);
class Vec3 // 3d vector class
constructor(x=0, y=0, z=0) {this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z;}
v = v < 1e5 ? new Vec3(v,v,v) : v,
new Vec3( this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y, this.z + v.z ));
v = v < 1e5 ? new Vec3(v,v,v) : v,
new Vec3( this.x * v.x, this.y * v.y, this.z * v.z ));
// draw a trapazoid shaped poly
DrawPoly=(x1, y1, w1, x2, y2, w2, fillStyle)=>
context.beginPath(context.fillStyle = fillStyle);
context.lineTo(x1-w1, y1|0);
context.lineTo(x1+w1, y1|0);
context.lineTo(x2+w2, y2|0);
context.lineTo(x2-w2, y2|0);
// draw outlined hud text
DrawText=(text, posX)=>
context.font = '9em impact'; // set font size
context.fillStyle = LSHA(99,0,0,.5); // set font color
context.fillText(text, posX, 129); // fill text
context.lineWidth = 3; // line width
context.strokeText(text, posX, 129); // outline text
roadGenLengthMax = // end of section
roadGenLength = // distance left
roadGenTaper = // length of taper
roadGenFreqX = // X wave frequency
roadGenFreqY = // Y wave frequency
roadGenScaleX = // X wave amplitude
roadGenScaleY = 0; // Y wave amplitude
roadGenWidth = roadWidth; // starting road width
startRandSeed = randSeed = Date.now(); // set random seed
road = []; // clear road
// generate the road
for( i = 0; i < roadEnd*2; ++i ) // build road past end
if (roadGenLength++ > roadGenLengthMax) // is end of section?
// calculate difficulty percent
d = Math.min(1, i/maxDifficultySegment);
// randomize road settings
roadGenWidth = roadWidth*R(1-d*.7,3-2*d); // road width
roadGenFreqX = R(Lerp(d,.01,.02)); // X curves
roadGenFreqY = R(Lerp(d,.01,.03)); // Y bumps
roadGenScaleX = i>roadEnd ? 0 : R(Lerp(d,.2,.6));// X scale
roadGenScaleY = R(Lerp(d,1e3,2e3)); // Y scale
// apply taper and move back
roadGenTaper = R(99, 1e3)|0; // random taper
roadGenLengthMax = roadGenTaper + R(99,1e3); // random length
roadGenLength = 0; // reset length
i -= roadGenTaper; // subtract taper
// make a wavy road
x = Math.sin(i*roadGenFreqX) * roadGenScaleX;
y = Math.sin(i*roadGenFreqY) * roadGenScaleY;
road[i] = road[i]? road[i] : {x:x, y:y, w:roadGenWidth};
// apply taper from last section and lerp values
p = Clamp(roadGenLength / roadGenTaper, 0, 1);
road[i].x = Lerp(p, road[i].x, x);
road[i].y = Lerp(p, road[i].y, y);
road[i].w = i > roadEnd ? 0 : Lerp(p, road[i].w, roadGenWidth);
// calculate road pitch angle
road[i].a = road[i-1] ?
Math.atan2(road[i-1].y-road[i].y, segmentLength) : 0;
// reset everything
velocity = new Vec3
( pitchSpring = pitchSpringSpeed = pitchRoad = hueShift = 0 );
position = new Vec3(0, height); // set player start pos
nextCheckPoint = checkPointDistance; // init next checkpoint
time = maxTime; // set the start time
heading = randSeed; // random world heading
// get player road segment
s = position.z / segmentLength | 0; // current road segment
p = position.z / segmentLength % 1; // percent along segment
// get lerped values between last and current road segment
roadX = Lerp(p, road[s].x, road[s+1].x);
roadY = Lerp(p, road[s].y, road[s+1].y) + height;
roadA = Lerp(p, road[s].a, road[s+1].a);
// update player velocity
lastVelocity = velocity.Add(0);
velocity.y += gravity;
velocity.x *= lateralDamp;
velocity.z = Math.max(0, time?forwardDamp*velocity.z:0);
// add velocity to position
position = position.Add(velocity);
// limit player x position (how far off road)
position.x = Clamp(position.x, -maxPlayerX, maxPlayerX);
// check if on ground
if (position.y < roadY)
position.y = roadY; // match y to ground plane
airFrame = 0; // reset air frames
// get the dot product of the ground normal and the velocity
dp = Math.cos(roadA)*velocity.y + Math.sin(roadA)*velocity.z;
// bounce velocity against ground normal
velocity = new Vec3(0, Math.cos(roadA), Math.sin(roadA))
.Multiply(-elasticity * dp).Add(velocity);
// apply player brake and accel
velocity.z +=
mouseDown? playerBrake :
Lerp(velocity.z/maxSpeed, mousePressed*playerAccel, 0);
// check if off road
if (Math.abs(position.x) > road[s].w)
velocity.z *= offRoadDamp; // slow down
pitchSpring += Math.sin(position.z/99)**4/99; // rumble
// update player turning and apply centrifugal force
turn = Lerp(velocity.z/maxSpeed, mouseX * turnControl, 0);
velocity.x +=
velocity.z * turn -
velocity.z ** 2 * centrifugal * roadX;
// update jump
if (airFrame++<6 && time
&& mouseDown && mouseUpFrames && mouseUpFrames<9)
velocity.y += jumpAccel; // apply jump velocity
airFrame = 9; // prevent jumping again
mouseUpFrames = mouseDown? 0 : mouseUpFrames+1;
// pitch down with vertical velocity when in air
airPercent = (position.y-roadY) / 99;
pitchSpringSpeed += Lerp(airPercent, 0, velocity.y/4e4);
// update player pitch spring
pitchSpringSpeed += (velocity.z - lastVelocity.z)/2e3;
pitchSpringSpeed -= pitchSpring * springConstant;
pitchSpringSpeed *= pitchSpringDamp;
pitchSpring += pitchSpringSpeed;
pitchRoad = Lerp(pitchLerp, pitchRoad, Lerp(airPercent,-roadA,0));
playerPitch = pitchSpring + pitchRoad;
// update heading
heading = ClampAngle(heading + velocity.z*roadX*worldRotateScale);
cameraHeading = turn * cameraTurnScale;
// was checkpoint crossed?
if (position.z > nextCheckPoint)
time += checkPointTime; // add more time
nextCheckPoint += checkPointDistance; // set next checkpoint
hueShift += 36; // shift hue
// clear the screen and set size
c.width = window.innerWidth, c.height = window.innerHeight;
// calculate projection scale, flip y
projectScale = (new Vec3(1,-1,1)).Multiply(c.width/2/cameraDepth);
// get horizon, offset, and light amount
horizon = c.height/2 - Math.tan(playerPitch)*projectScale.y;
backgroundOffset = Math.sin(cameraHeading)/2;
light = Math.cos(heading);
// create linear gradient for sky
g = context.createLinearGradient(0,horizon-c.height/2,0,horizon);
// draw sky as full screen poly
// draw sun and moon (0=sun, 1=moon)
for( i = 2 ; i--; )
// create radial gradient
g = context.createRadialGradient(
x = c.width*(.5+Lerp(
4, -4)-backgroundOffset),
y = horizon - c.width/5,
x, y, i?c.width/23:c.width);
g.addColorStop(0, LSHA(i?70:99));
g.addColorStop(1, LSHA(0,0,0,0));
// draw full screen poly
// set random seed for mountains
randSeed = startRandSeed;
// draw mountains
for( i = mountainCount; i--; )
angle = ClampAngle(heading+R(19));
light = Math.cos(angle-heading);
x = c.width*(.5+Lerp(angle/PI/2+.5,4,-4)-backgroundOffset),
y = horizon,
w = R(.2,.8)**2*c.width/2,
x + w*R(-.5,.5),
y - R(.5,.8)*w, 0,
LSHA(R(15,25)+i/3-light*9, i/2+R(19), R(220,230)));
// draw horizon
c.width/2, horizon, c.width/2, c.width/2, c.height, c.width/2,
LSHA(25, 30, 95));
for( x = w = i = 0; i < drawDistance+1; )
p = new Vec3(x+=w+=road[s+i].x, // sum local road offsets
road[s+i].y, (s+i)*segmentLength) // road y and z pos
.Add(position.Multiply(-1)); // get local camera space
// apply camera heading
p.x = p.x*Math.cos(cameraHeading) - p.z*Math.sin(cameraHeading);
// tilt camera pitch and invert z
z = 1/(p.z*Math.cos(playerPitch) - p.y*Math.sin(playerPitch));
p.y = p.y*Math.cos(playerPitch) - p.z*Math.sin(playerPitch);
p.z = z;
// project road segment to canvas space
road[s+i++].p = // projected road point
p.Multiply(new Vec3(z, z, 1)) // projection
.Multiply(projectScale) // scale
.Add(new Vec3(c.width/2,c.height/2)); // center on canvas
let segment2 = road[s+drawDistance]; // store the last segment
for( i = drawDistance; i--; ) // iterate in reverse
// get projected road points
segment1 = road[s+i];
p1 = segment1.p;
p2 = segment2.p;
// random seed and lighting
randSeed = startRandSeed + s + i;
light = Math.sin(segment1.a) * Math.cos(heading) * 99;
// check near and far clip
if (p1.z < 1e5 && p1.z > 0)
// fade in road resolution over distance
if (i % (Lerp(i/drawDistance,1,9)|0) == 0)
// ground
DrawPoly(c.width/2, p1.y, c.width/2,
c.width/2, p2.y, c.width/2,
LSHA(25 + light, 30, 95));
// curb if wide enough
if (segment1.w > 400)
DrawPoly(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z*(segment1.w+curbWidth),
p2.x, p2.y, p2.z*(segment2.w+curbWidth),
LSHA(((s+i)%19<9? 50: 20) + light));
// road and checkpoint marker
DrawPoly(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z*segment1.w,
p2.x, p2.y, p2.z*segment2.w,
LSHA(((s+i)*segmentLength%checkPointDistance < 300 ?
70 : 7) + light));
// dashed lines if wide and close enough
if ((segment1.w > 300) && (s+i)%9==0 && i < drawDistance/3)
DrawPoly(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z*dashLineWidth,
p2.x, p2.y, p2.z*dashLineWidth,
LSHA(70 + light));
// save this segment
segment2 = segment1;
if (R()<.2 && s+i>29) // is there an object?
// player object collision check
x = 2*roadWidth * R(10,-10) * R(9); // choose object pos
const objectHeight = (R(2)|0) * 400; // choose tree or rock
if (!segment1.h // dont hit same object
&& Math.abs(position.x-x)<200 // X
&& Math.abs(position.z-(s+i)*segmentLength)<200 // Z
&& position.y-height<segment1.y+objectHeight+200) // Y
// slow player and mark object as hit
velocity = velocity.Multiply(segment1.h = collisionSlow);
// draw road object
const alpha = Lerp(i/drawDistance, 4, 0); // fade in object
if (objectHeight)
// tree trunk
DrawPoly(x = p1.x+p1.z * x, p1.y, p1.z*29,
x, p1.y-99*p1.z, p1.z*29,
LSHA(5+R(9), 50+R(9), 29+R(9), alpha));
// tree leaves
DrawPoly(x, p1.y-R(50,99)*p1.z, p1.z*R(199,250),
x, p1.y-R(600,800)*p1.z, 0,
LSHA(25+R(9), 80+R(9), 9+R(29), alpha));
// rock
DrawPoly(x = p1.x+p1.z*x, p1.y, p1.z*R(200,250),
x+p1.z*(R(99,-99)), p1.y-R(200,250)*p1.z, p1.z*R(99),
LSHA(50+R(19), 25+R(19), 209+R(9), alpha));
if (mousePressed)
time = Clamp(time - timeDelta, 0, maxTime); // update time
DrawText(Math.ceil(time), 9); // show time
context.textAlign = 'right'; // right alignment
DrawText(0|position.z/1e3, c.width-9); // show distance
context.textAlign = 'center'; // center alignment
DrawText('HUE JUMPER', c.width/2); // draw title text
requestAnimationFrame(Update); // kick off next frame
} // end of update function
Update(); // kick off update loop
HTML – Red
函数 – Orange
设置– Yellow
玩家更新 – Green
背景渲染 – Cyan
道路渲染 – Purple
对象渲染 – Pink
HUD 渲染 – Brown