「多看书」可能是对锻炼语言基础的学生最好的建议。其实,这个建议对人工智能来说同样奏效。 在2月18日,Facebook发布了多个用来训练他们的神经网络的数据集。其中一个数据集全是例如《丛林之书》,《彼得·潘》,《小妇人》,《圣诞颂歌》,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》等经典小说。总共有100多个故事,都来自免费网上图书馆Project Gutenberg。
这是专门为初出茅庐的AI定制的阅读列表。Facebook把这种用阅读培训AI的方法叫做「儿童图书测试(Children’s Book Test)」,同时也用它测试电脑的阅读能力。 Facebook的研究人员利用阅读列表上的一些故事范本训练出神经网络。然后,他们在尚未读过的故事中找到一些短摘录,但最后一句话缺失一些单词,他们让神经网络从几个选项中选出正确的单词,将最后一句话填补完整。 例如,以下的例子是从桑顿·伯吉斯(Thornton Burgess)的《蟾蜍先生历险记》摘选的一段话。
然而,Facebook的AI并不仅从书本中学习知识。当它不读书的时候,它还努力钻研电影中的机智问答(Movie Trivia)。Facebook不仅公布了他们的儿童图书测试数据,还公布了从在线常识素材库Freebase上获取的108 442个问题。这些问题包括:「另类嘻哈乐的知名艺术家有谁」和「哪个国家使用南岛语系中Tomadino语」等等。
Andrew Lang Prince Prigio Andrew Lang Prince Prigio from "His Own Fairy Book" Andrew Lang Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia Andrew Lang The Blue Fairy Book Andrew Lang The Brown Fairy Book Andrew Lang The Crimson Fairy Book Andrew Lang The Grey Fairy Book Andrew Lang The Lilac Fairy Book Andrew Lang The Orange Fairy Book Andrew Lang The Pink Fairy Book Andrew Lang The Red Fairy Book Andrew Lang The Violet Fairy Book Andrew Lang The Yellow Fairy Book Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens The Cricket on the Hearth Charles Kingsley The Water-Babies Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin, Young Folks' Edition James Matthew Barrie Peter Pan James Matthew Barrie Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, Version 1James Matthew Barrie Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, Version 2James Matthew Barrie Peter and Wendy Lewis Carroll Alice's Adventures Under Ground Lewis Carroll Through the Looking-Glass Lewis Carroll Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Louisa May Alcott Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag, Volume 5 Louisa May Alcott Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag Louisa May Alcott Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag VI Louisa May Alcott Eight Cousins Louisa May Alcott Flower Fables Louisa May Alcott Jack and Jill Louisa May Alcott Jo's Boys Louisa May Alcott Kitty's Class Day And Other Stories Louisa May Alcott Little Men Louisa May Alcott Little Women Louisa May Alcott Marjorie's Three Gifts Louisa May Alcott The Mysterious Key And What It Opened Louisa May Alcott Under the Lilacs Lucy Maud Montgomery Anne's House of Dreams Lucy Maud Montgomery Anne Of Avonlea Lucy Maud Montgomery Anne Of Green Gables Lucy Maud Montgomery Anne Of The Island Lucy Maud Montgomery Chronicles of Avonlea Lucy Maud Montgomery Further Chronicles of Avonlea Lucy Maud Montgomery Kilmeny of the Orchard Lucy Maud Montgomery The Golden Road Lucy Maud Montgomery Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1896 to 1901 Lucy Maud Montgomery Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1902 to 1903 Lucy Maud Montgomery Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1904 Lucy Maud Montgomery Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1905 to 1906 Lucy Maud Montgomery Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908 Lucy Maud Montgomery Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1909 to 1922 Lucy Maud Montgomery Rainbow Valley Lucy Maud Montgomery Rilla of Ingleside Lucy Maud Montgomery The Story Girl Nathaniel Hawthorne Little Annie's Ramble (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne Snow Flakes (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne Sunday at Home (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne Tanglewood Tales Nathaniel Hawthorne The Gorgon's Head Nathaniel Hawthorne The Lily's Quest (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne The Miraculous Pitcher Nathaniel Hawthorne The Paradise of Children Nathaniel Hawthorne The Seven Vagabonds (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne The Sister Years (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne The Three Golden Apples Nathaniel Hawthorne The Threefold Destiny (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne The Toll Gatherer's Day (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne The Village Uncle (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne The Vision of the Fountain (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne Twice Told Tales Oscar Wilde The Happy Prince and Other Tales Robert Louis Stevenson Kidnapped Robert Louis Stevenson The Black Arrow Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island Rudyard Kipling Just So Stories Rudyard Kipling Kim Rudyard Kipling Puck of Pook's Hill Rudyard Kipling The Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling The Second Jungle Book Thornton Waldo Burgess Blacky the Crow Thornton Waldo Burgess Bowser The Hound Thornton Waldo Burgess Lightfoot the Deer Thornton Waldo Burgess Mother West Wind's Children Thornton Waldo Burgess Mother West Wind "How" Stories Thornton Waldo Burgess Mother West Wind "Where" Stories Thornton Waldo Burgess Mother West Wind “Why” Stories Thornton Waldo Burgess Mother West Wind's Animal Friends Thornton Waldo Burgess Mrs. Peter Rabbit Thornton Waldo Burgess Old Granny Fox Thornton Waldo Burgess Old Mother West Wind Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Buster Bear Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Grandfather Frog Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Old Mr. Toad Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Lightfoot the Deer Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Mr. Mocker Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Paddy the Beaver Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Prickly Porky Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Reddy Fox Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum Thornton Waldo Burgess Whitefoot the Wood Mouse Thornton Waldo Burgess Happy Jack Thornton Waldo Burgess The Adventures of Johnny Chuck Washington Irving The Legend of Sleepy Hollow